The best Alaska halibut fishing destinations combine several similar characteristics. Protected water, low fishing pressure, short runs to the fish, shallow-water angling, healthy fish stocks, and best fish-care practices are among those critical elements. Kodiak Legends Lodge exemplifies all of these traits, as well as provides some other highly desirable amenities. 

Sitting in Larsen Bay, Kodiak Legends Lodge shares the area with just a handful of other lodges. The low number of charter boats puts little pressure on the resource. And with a conservation-minded approach, the lodge advocates that anglers release 100-pound fish and larger. This keeps the breeders in the population pool and helps to ensure that halibut stocks remain healthy. Maintaining one of the best Alaska halibut fishing locations statewide requires diligence to keep fish stocks healthy.  

Best Alaska halibut fishingLarsen Bay offers plenty of protected water in which to target halibut. Regardless of the wind direction, there is always a place to go to prospect for flatfish that is protected from wind. This is critical since many Alaska halibut destinations are not able to offer that luxury. And for people who are apt to get seasick, this is a true blessing. 

Another aspect in determining the best Alaska halibut fishing destinations is to compare the length of the boat ride to get to productive fishing grounds. For Kodiak Legends Lodge anglers, they can expect a boat ride of about an hour or less to get onto the halibut grounds. In some destinations around Alaska, the boat ride can be two- to three hours just to reach the fish. Less driving means more angling. 

Average water depth that anglers fish when targeting halibut is another aspect in what determines the best Alaska halibut fishing locales. In Larsen Bay, halibut can be caught in 100- to 200 feet, which is very manageable. In some places, it’s possible to fish in less than 100 feet of water. Compare this to 300 feet-plus in some areas around the state and you will appreciate that shallower is easier.

Halibut are among the very best tasting fish in the sea. Bringing high-quality fish fillets home to enjoy for many months to come is one of the benefits of a halibut fishing trip. The best Alaska halibut fishing lodges know how to properly care for your catch. At Kodiak Legends Lodge, we take it to the next level.Best Alaska halibut fishing

First, fish are brought on deck, subdued and bled. Next they are placed in a saltwater / ice slurry to cool the meat. After that they are carefully handled and each is professionally filleted and skinned. Next, fillets are placed in high-quality vacuum seal bags, then enter a blast freezer. The end result is a prime piece of halibut that tastes fresh many months later. 

So there you have it, Kodiak Legends Lodge combines protected water, low pressure, short runs to the fish, shallow-water angling, healthy fish stocks, and best fish-care practices and the end result is that Kodiak Legends Lodge in Larsen Bay, Kodiak, is among the very best Alaska halibut locations anywhere in the Great Land.