Salmon fishing in Alaska is as good as it gets and coho fishing with us in the saltwater truly epitomizes that. Between their virgorous air performance and pound-for-pound fighting ability, these hearty salmon species are highly sought after. Trolling for silvers is a riot and our anglers come back to the lodge from it all grins. Timing is best for salmon fishing in Alaska, when you want to catch Kodiak saltwater silver salmon in particular, from the start of August until the third week in September. In the early season, towards the beginning of August, our average coho is about 8 pounds and it increases to a 12- to 15 pound range as time progresses. We sometimes find huge ones that can tip the scales at 18 pounds or larger! Can you imagine?

We primarily troll for silvers in the saltwater but jig sometimes too. They usually come right into our bay pretty thick and since we are so protected there is rarely a time we can’t fish for them once they show. We troll using 8 1/2-foot Shimano Talora trolling rods, Okuma Coldwater 300 line counter reels for their smooth drag, attached with spoons or small spinners like the ones from VIP Tackle of Oregon in a #2 purple or chartreuse color. We can fly cast in circumstances or troll a fly rod on a downrigger to switch things up.